Request to Restrict Public Dissemination of Personal Information on the Internet

Fremont County provides a process for eligible individuals to request the restriction of their personal information from public dissemination on the county's website. This process is in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes § 18-9-313 and § 18-9-313.5.

To submit a request, please complete this form in its entirety. You will need to provide specific details about the information and documents you wish to restrict, as well as proof of your employment status (if applicable) as a protected person, immediate family member, participant in the Colorado ACP Program, or an election official/worker.

Please note that this request only restricts the dissemination of personal information on the internet and does not prevent the information from being available for public inspection by phone or in-person under the Colorado Open Records Act. Additionally, certain exempt parties may still retain online access to your records as per C.R.S. § 18-9-313(c) and 18-9-313.5(d).

The request made on this form will automatically expire two years from the date signed and must be renewed by submitting a new written request.