Motor Vehicle Division
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, local checks, and credit/debit cards.
Motor Vehicle Division
Is there a fee to pay with a credit/debit card?
Yes, anything over $10.00 will be assessed a 3% fee.
Motor Vehicle Division
What are the Motor Vehicle Division hours?
We are open Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Motor Vehicle Division
Can I purchase plates online?
Yes, there are many transactions that can be completed online by visiting
Motor Vehicle Division
How much will my plates cost?
We don't give price quotes over the phone or online, but you can use the fee estimator tool by visiting
Motor Vehicle Division
Do my plates have a grace period?
Yes, when you receive your annual renewal card, you have a 30 day grace period to pay your fees.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do I need to bring in my driver's license?
Yes, for most transactions we will require valid identification.
Motor Vehicle Division
Can I make an appointment?
Yes, if you are coming in to process a new title transaction, you can make an appointment from the Motor Vehicle Division section under the Services tab. We do not accept appointments for renewals.
Motor Vehicle Division
What are the sales tax rates?
State tax is 2.9%, Fremont County tax is 2.5%, Florence city tax is 2.5%, and Canon City tax is 3.3%.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do you handle driver's license transactions?
No, our office only deals with titles, license plates, persons with disability placards, etc. For driver's license information, please visit and chose Driver Services instead of Vehicle Services.
Motor Vehicle Division
Where is the Motor Vehicle Division located?
Our office is located at 615 Macon Ave, Room 103 in Canon City, Colorado. We also have a renewal kiosk located in City Market at 1703 Fremont Dr., in Canon City, Colorado which will print your sticker the same day.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do you have a drop box?
Yes, we have an outside drop box located near the west end door. We also have an inside drop box located in the hallway outside of our office in room 103.
Motor Vehicle Division
What forms of insurance do you accept?
We accept insurance cards, printed forms, or digital forms of insurance.
Motor Vehicle Division
Does the Motor Vehicle Division accept digital identification?
Yes, we will accept Colorado digital identification by accessing the MyColorado app. We do not accept out-of-state digital identification.
Motor Vehicle Division
Where can I access forms?
You can access state forms at
Motor Vehicle Division
What is the Motor Vehicle Division fax number?
Our fax number is 719-276-7339.
Motor Vehicle Division
What is the Motor Vehicle Division email address?
Our email address is
Motor Vehicle Division
Can I purchase a Colorado Parks Pass with my registration?
Yes, upon first time issuance, or a renewal, you may opt in or out of purchasing a Colorado Parks Pass for $29.00.
Motor Vehicle Division
How do I know if I am in or out of city limits?
You can verify your address by using our address lookup tool from the Motor Vehicle Division section under the Services tab.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do I have to purchase a Colorado Parks Pass with my registration?
No, you can either opt in or out of purchasing a Colorado Parks Pass with your registration.
Motor Vehicle Division
What is the Motor Vehicle Division phone number?
Our phone number is 719-276-7440.
Motor Vehicle Division
Will you accept my insurance card from another vehicle since my insurance company says I am covered for 30 days?
No, that is an insurance policy. By law, we have to see valid proof of insurance specifically for the vehicle you are plating before we can hand you plates (temporary or permanent).
Motor Vehicle Division
Can my identification be expired?
Yes, we will accept identification that is expired less than one year.
Motor Vehicle Division
Can I purchase a temporary tag for my vehicle?
In some cases. We do not automatically issue temporary tags for any reason. Please visit our office with your documents, identification, and proof of insurance to see if you qualify for a temporary tag.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do I need proof of insurance for a temporary tag?
Yes, all plates issued, whether they are temporary or not, require valid, current proof of insurance for the vehicle you are plating.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do I have to get a weight slip?
It depends. If your title or documents do not list the empty weight and it is not in our system, you may need to get a certified weight slip.
Motor Vehicle Division
What forms of proof of residency do you accept?
We accept many forms some of which include a lease agreement, utility bill, Statement of Fact, paycheck stub, etc. Please see our office for more acceptable forms.
Motor Vehicle Division
The title is in my wife/husband's name, can I come in without them?
No, they either need to be present, or will need to grant you a power of attorney to act on their behalf.
Motor Vehicle Division
When I sell my vehicle, should I keep my plates or leave them on the vehicle?
You need to keep your plates. While you may not be able to reuse them, they stay with the person, not the vehicle.
Motor Vehicle Division
Can I process my titlework online?
No, all original titlework will need to be processed in person.
Motor Vehicle Division
What do I do if a vehicle was left on my property? Can I get a title for it?
It will depend on whether you had an agreement or if it is considered abandoned. For more information, please either call or come into the office.
Motor Vehicle Division
If my plates are expired, can I still renew them online or at the kiosk?
Yes! The online system or kiosk will properly calculate and collect your new fees.
Motor Vehicle Division
Does my temporary tag have a grace period?
No, temp tags do not have a grace period.
Motor Vehicle Division
Do I need to have my renewal card with me to renew my plates?
No, you do not have to bring in your renewal card to renew your plates.
Motor Vehicle Division
Can you resend my renewal card?
No, we do not print those, and cannot have them reprinted.
Recording Division
What forms of payment does the Recording Division accept?
The Recording Division accepts cash, local checks, and credit/debit cards.
Recording Division
Is there a fee to pay with a credit or debit card for transactions with the Recording Division?
Yes, when using a credit or debit card you will be assessed a fee of 3.5% for any transaction within the Recording Division.
Recording Division
What are the Recording Division hours?
We are open Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Recording Division
Where is the Recording Division located?
Our office is located at 615 Macon Ave, Room 102 in Canon City, Colorado.
Recording Division
Does the Recording Division accept digital identification?
Yes, we will accept Colorado digital identification by accessing the MyColorado app. We do not accept out-of-state digital identification.
Recording Division
What is the Recording Division email address?
Our email address is
Recording Division
How do I get a copy of my deed?
You can either visit our office, or you can search and pay for your document using our public search portal in the Recording Division section under the Services tab.
Recording Division
How do I get a copy of my divorce decree?
Those documents are not kept in our office. Please contact the Clerk of Courts at 719-269-0100.
Recording Division
Can someone help me search for my document if I come into the office?
No, by law we are not allowed to perform searches. However, we always have staff available to walk you through the process.
Recording Division
Do you have forms I can purchase to record in your office?
No, by law we are not allowed to hand out forms for recording purposes. You can purchase forms at an office supply store or print shop.
Recording Division
Can you explain my document to me?
No, by law we are not allowed to interpret any documents. Our office simply records them for public access.
Recording Division
Do you require original documents for recording?
Yes, in most cases you will need to provide original documents. Any documents submitted that are not originals will be recorded as and marked as a "COPY"
Recording Division
Can I record my documents online, or e-record them?
Yes, we have several different companies you can use to e-record your documents. Their information is located in the Recording Division section under the Services tab- e-Recording Documents.
Marriages and Civil Unions
How old do you have to be to get married?
In order to get married you have to be 18 years old, or older. A court order is required for anyone that is less than 18 years old.
Marriages and Civil Unions
Who can perform the marriage ceremony?
You have several options on who can officiate your marriage. You can self-solemnize (marry yourselves), or you can have a judge, a retired judge, a magistrate, an authorized public official, or any mode of solemnization recognized by a religious affiliation.
Marriages and Civil Unions
How long do we have to get married after purchasing our license?
You must use your license within 35 days of purchasing it, and must return it to our office within 63 days of the ceremony.
Marriages and Civil Unions
What do I need to marry an inmate?
You can obtain a license application checklist in the Marriage and Civil Unions section under the Services tab.
County Liquor Licenses
What are the Liquor License Office hours?
We are open Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
County Liquor Licenses
Where is the Liquor License Office located?
Our office is located at 615 Macon Ave, Room 102 in Canon City, Colorado.
County Liquor Licenses
What is the Liquor License Office fax number?
Our fax number is 719-276-7338.
County Liquor Licenses
What is the Liquor License Office email address?
Our email address is
County Liquor Licenses
What is the Liquor License Office phone number?
Our phone number is 719-276-7330.
County Liquor Licenses
What type of liquor license do I need to apply for?
By law we cannot advise as to what type of license to apply for. You can find information on license types at
County Liquor Licenses
Do you have forms?
Yes, we have put together certain application packets depending on the type of license you are applying for. They are located under the Services tab- County Liquor Licenses.
County Liquor Licenses
How do I apply for a liquor license?
You can download an application packet depending on the type of license you need from our website. The packet contains information, forms, and a checklist of items to bring into our office. They are located under the Services tab- County Liquor Licenses.
County Liquor Licenses
Do you process all liquor licenses in Fremont County?
No, we only issue licenses to the un-incorporated areas of Fremont County. If you are located inside of Canon City or Florence city limits, or an incorporated municipality, please see their offices for more information.
County Liquor Licenses
Do you offer liquor license training?
No, we do not offer any training but occasionally offer classes held by the Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division.
County Liquor Licenses
What are the fees for a liquor license?
You can download the packet from our website Services tab- County Liquor Licenses- Documents and Downloads. Most of the fees required are listed in the packet.
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